Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to you...

Armenia and Albania! They are teens now and.....yeah! I like Armenia the mostest. okies picture time!


I gave her Earths old hairstyle because when Earth aged into an adult a more mature hairstyle just seemed...fitting xD i luff her <3 she is a genius and maxed out the logic skill as a child, she loves playing chess with her daddy :3


I was surprised because she was a gorgeous little girl! I thought albania would be the cute one out of this set of twins. Anyway she is virtuso (anno i spelled it wrong) and a coward. among friendly and something else...I will post everyones traits and all when it comes time to do heir voting :3 but yeah, Albania is maxing out her bass skills and her and her 2 other sisters, Australia and Argentina, are gonna be in a band :D Australia on drums, Argentina on guitar and Albania on bass 

Yeeeupp. thats the legacy right now. the toddlers are gonna grow up soon. hopefully...ill have them have a birthday cake...I think we have like 5 simdays until heir voting. we are gonna be voting just before Australia becomes a YA. If the tots arent teens by then (most likely wont be) then im gonna save them and age them up in CAS so we can see what they will look like a Teens because i think Albania here as proven that just because you look one way as a kid doesnt mean you will look virtually the same as a teen xD stoopid game.... 


Darian said...

i like them both but especially Armenia <3

Kellebean said...

lolz wow thats surprising to hear you say that about albania xD